web work

Harry and the Potters

harry and the potters

This site was created for Harry and the Potters music group. I was part of a team that put the site together for the group and the parts I focused on were the XHTML, JavaScript, PHP parts pluse the and overall design.

    Code Used

  • JavaScript
  • PHP

Idlewold Golf Club

Idlewold golf course

The Idlewold Golf Course web site was created using XHTML, LightBox, JavaScript, Flash, and Photoshop and Illustrator. This was a free site donated for their personal use to try to reach out to other communities.

    Code Used

  • JavaScript
  • Flash
  • LightBox
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator

Smith Carrillo & Reeder

scr law site

The Smith Carrillo & Reeder site was a project of basicly updating the site to a more modern site. They did not want me to redesign the site but add some extra features that were missing. XHTML and JavaScript was used.

    Code Used

  • JavaScript