The News

The idea is that the Harry Potter from Year 7 and the Harry Potter from Year 4 started a rock band. And now, no one can stop the wizard rock. Harry and the Potters stars: Paul DeGeorge as Harry Year 7 ______ Joe DeGeorge as Harry Year 4 ________ Paul and Joe are brothers. They started this band in the summer of 2002. The legendary tale of their origin goes like this:

Joe was planning to have a rock show in the shed in the backyard. People had been invited. But then all the bands cancelled. So that morning, the time was finally appropriate to bust out an idea that had been incubating in Paul's head for some time: Harry and the Potters. That morning, over the course of an hour, Paul and Joe wrote 7 songs. Then, they went out to the shed and practiced them for half an hour. And then, later in the day, they performed them for about 6 people. It was awesome. The place went nuts.

Nowadays, they don't just play in sheds, they also play in libraries, bookstores, basements, art galleries, theatres, hot dog jamorees (true story!), and living rooms.

Also: some people have written some nice stuff about us in newspaper:

the Boston Phoenix - July 25, 2003
Louisville Cardinal - August 31, 2004
the Boston Globe - September 15, 2004 - July 13, 2005M
the Boston Phoenix - July 15, 2005
US News and World Report- July 16, 2005
MTV Interview - August 31, 2004
Pitchfork - December 12, 2005